(modified 03-05-2024)
1. All projects must fit into the scope of objectives set by this Foundation, Kiwanis International, and the Rocky Mountain District of Kiwanis International.
2. All requests must show how the citizens of the District and in particular, the children of the District, will benefit from such a grant.
3. All requests must be made through a Kiwanis Family organization.
4. All grant requests must be made in writing and include an email address, contact name, and phone number using the cover sheet found on the website.
5. All grant requests must be submitted to the RMD Foundation Committee Chair, currently Carol Wallace: [email protected] through the link below.
A copy of the request will be distributed to the appropriate committee members for recommendation to the full board.
6. All grant requests must be accompanied by a full project budget and scope of work.
7. Grant requests should be submitted 30 days before the next scheduled Foundation board meeting in order to be considered at the upcoming meeting.
8. All grant requests must be for a specific Kiwanis project.
9. There shall be a maximum award of $2,500 per club per year.
10. Matching funds will benefit any request for a grant.
11. All awarded grantees must submit receipts or evidence that the funds awarded were used for the stated and intended purpose. Failure to do so may jeopardize future grant awards. Each club receiving a grant should recognize the Foundation as a funding partner on the project.
12. In general, the Foundation does not consider multi-year funding, unless the request comes from Kiwanis International, the Rocky Mountain District of Kiwanis International, or one of its sponsored youth District Boards.
The Board of Trustees of the Foundation shall, by a majority vote of a quorum of its members, approve any grant request. These policies shall be used as a guideline only and may be waived from time to time by the Board of Trustees of the Foundation upon their sole determination that a specific gift, contribution, grant or donation, while not meeting the above guidelines, is in the best interest of the Rocky Mountain District Kiwanis Foundation.
(modified 03-05-2024)
1. All projects must fit into the scope of objectives set by this Foundation, Kiwanis International, and the Rocky Mountain District of Kiwanis International.
2. All requests must show how the citizens of the District and in particular, the children of the District,
will benefit from such a grant.
3. All requests must be made through a Kiwanis Family organization.
4. All grant requests must be made in writing and include an email address, contact name, and phone
number using the cover sheet found on the website.
5. All grant requests must be submitted to the RMD Foundation Committee Chair, currently Carol Wallace: [email protected] through the link below.
A copy of the request will be distributed to the appropriate committee members for recommendation to the full board.
6. All grant requests must be accompanied by a full project budget and scope of work.
7. Grant requests should be submitted 30 days before the next scheduled Foundation board meeting in
order to be considered at the upcoming meeting.
8. All grant requests must be for a specific Kiwanis project.
9. There shall be a maximum award of $2,500 per club per year.
10. Matching funds will benefit any request for a grant.
11. All awarded grantees must submit receipts or evidence that the funds awarded were used for the
stated and intended purpose. Failure to do so may jeopardize future grant awards. Each club receiving a grant should recognize the Foundation as a funding partner on the project.
12. In general, the Foundation does not consider multi-year funding, unless the request comes from Kiwanis International, the Rocky Mountain District of Kiwanis International, or one of its sponsored youth District Boards.
The Board of Trustees of the Foundation shall, by a majority vote of a quorum of its members, approve any grant request. These policies shall be used as a guideline only and may be waived from time to time by the Board of Trustees of the Foundation upon their sole determination that a specific gift, contribution, grant or donation, while not meeting the above guidelines, is in the best interest of the Rocky Mountain District Kiwanis Foundation.